How To Request for Letter of Authorization using Maxicare Gateway

We have covered last time how to buy your own individual HMO with Maxicare and when needing to consult a doctor, there is a need for a LOA (Letter of Authorization) which you can get through the HMO or Industrial Clinic but that does take time as the rep will need to call your HMO and get approval. 

I have visited multiple clinics without the need for a LOA as my physicians were not affiliated with Maxicare like my Urologist and Psychiatrist but I need to get one for an OB visit. I will share with you how to save time by requesting a Letter of Authorization using the Maxicare Gateway prior to your consultation.

Steps for Requesting for LOA

1. Access and log in to your Maxicare Member Gateway profile. A one-time pin will be needed to verify your access.
2. On the Personal Info page, head out to the upper lefthand menu bar and look for Health Services > I Need to Consult a Doctor > Other Providers- Request for Letter of Authorization

3. You will then be routed to the Consultation LOA Request, fill out the hospital name, your doctor's name, and your chief complaint/diagnosis. 

4. Tick the small box at the bottom of the page and check within 24 hours for the approval or denial of the request.

Tip: Make sure to request at least 2 days prior to your hospital visit as it does take 24 hours for the approval to be completed. The LOA can only be used within 3 days including the day you requested for it.

Here is a step-by-step video on Requesting LOA

Steps for Checking Approval of LOA Status
1. Access and log in to your Maxicare Member Gateway profile. A one-time pin will be needed to verify your access.
2. To check your LOA status, you will need to click on your inbox found in the upper right-hand corner next to your full name.

3. Look for your recent request and then to the right side, you will see a green View Status box to see details on the next page.

4. You will be routed to the details of your request and at the bottom right you will see a green Download LOA Report to download your PDF.

5. Print as needed and visit your doctor. 

Tip: Make sure to bring your own printed copy and some hospitals will need 2 printed copies. Also, check with your hospital what the steps for completing a doctor's appointment with your own LOA. In my case with Maayo Hospital, I will need to visit the receptionist first to validate my printed LOA and then check with my doctor's secretary to confirm my visit. I will also need to leave a valid ID. Once done, I will then head out to my doctor to be assisted. After the visit, I will need to get my copy signed by my doctor and then head to the HMO office to get my valid ID back.

Here is a step-by-step video for Checking the LOA status