How to Pay SSS Contribution using Unionbank Online

It has been a ride since I left my day job and finally transitioned over to working freelance. I am getting the freedom I longed for and it also comes with added responsibilities - one is making sure to be on top of my monthly government contributions. 

SSS has got to be my favorite government website and since I gained access some 9-odd years ago, it has been rather easy for me to manage my account, file for loans, and now pay for contributions  - all online!

I shared a few months back how to complete your SSS contribution as a voluntary employee and this post is dedicated to how you can do so using your online banking - in this case, I am going to use Unionbank Online.

Here's how you can pay for your SSS contribution using Unionbank Online:

1. Log in to your SSS account and head out to  Payment Reference Number (PRN) - Contributions > Generate PRN, PRN is a unique code to use for payments done online or even through payment centers.

2. Fill out contribution details: amount, covered months, and membership type.

You will get a pop-up notification for PRN generation - click on OK.

3. Copy your PRN as you will need this for paying online. 

4. Log in to your online banking and head out to Billers. Path: Pay Bills (left menu bar) > Billers List > Search for SSS

5. Paste your PRN on the field provided.

6.  Select which account funds will be taken from.

7.  Review all details and process payment.

8. Contribution is posted in real-time. Check your SSS account and head back to the PRN to see that there are no open PRNs available.

You can also check your contributions showing that has been posted. Path: Inquiry > Contributions > SE/VM Contributions tab

And of course, head out to the Monthly Contributions tab to see the posted contribution. Path: Inquiry > Contributions > Monthly Contribution tab

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