
IO IS BACK!!! for those who do not know IO, he is my laptop. IO short for Vaio. yes, you got it right. i name things, its a habit really. like my black phone named sirius (after padfoot) :) or cherry (the cherry mobile unit) - both phones lost. :P btw, its okey if you call me lame when it comes to naming things. heck these are mine anyway - to each is own. :D

im a bit happy. ahahaha fine i am super kaduper happy!! i haven't seen IO for almost months and got fixed and pimped up. i got him a 500gb harddrive for Php3000 in SM. :P i can go back to my routine again. currently, im downloading some softwares and ensuring i got all i need. i am also busy commenting on blogs (sideline), counting whats gonna be left with my recent pay and thinking of playing arcade at the mall. things are doing well for me. well, my employer of the sideline job says he cant see the comments i did on the sites he wanted me to post. daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. im officially upset and im boycotting the job for the next few hours. i got back to the commenting after having jollibee and ice cream at my bed. i just found out that i failed the seo blog commenting job and i am still waiting for the pay i deserve. i hope he does give me something. i spent some of my waking hours for this. 

in a way, i couldn't ask for anything more. i might have lost my sideline for now but i still got 2 jobs in the line. i still bake and if you do want orders you can reach us at 0923-428-9590. i am also a contributor at a travel blog so i think all is well. errr i also have a night job at one of the bpo company here in cebu. so yeah, i am a very busy person. i would search for other parttime online jobs today and hope it can help me save up for the dslr i want to get before i leave the country. (yeah, i am leaving the country but not this year. will definitely make a blog about that!)

Meet IO.