
After pestering Sister Myra of Asilo de la Milagrosa, we were able to finalize the date of the Yule Give. It was originally scheduled last December 24th but due to the fact that some kids went for their Christmas vacation we settled on for the day after New Year.

I guess it would be a good way to start the year. The Rabbit symbolizes such character traits as creativity, compassion, and sensitivity.Would you even look at that? :P Ain't it just right to start the year with good vibes?

I'm utterly excited on the days to come and on the day itself. We'd be baking brownies for the kids and we'd buy some chocolates to add on their goody bags and buy juice to minimize choking hazards. Tee hee :P
After much consideration, Sister Myra will give the clothes to the kids on her time. She will give the bags and other items to those who are worthy. It would be better this way that way kids won't regret getting a blouse when he wanted a nice polo shirt. :P

Did I fail to mention that I am utterly excited? :D :P I really am!! To the moon and back, I just can't believe the donations I received from friends. I did an inventory and those that did not suit the kids' needs will also be given to another Charity Event tonight called Hina-Tagay.

I'd like to give my warmest gratitude to those who made this event possible. Those who donated whom I named on my previous post and the great Mama Vada who gave me some moolah to spend for the kids. Thank you so much! Til next year?! :P :D

Btw, I just felt a sense of merriment from typing this blog post. Better late than never yeah?! :P :D

Here is the latest and final inventory of donated items:

5 shorts
3 skirts
14 sando, sleeveless blouses and pambalay
3 tube tops
6 dresses
15 blouse, collared shirts
2 long sleeves
16 white t-shirts
17 colored t-shirts

7 polo shirts
6 shorts
7 while t-shirts
9 colored t-shirts

other items:

15 bags
4 wallets
6 headbands
1 microphone