io is gotbuffed up.
installed the latest windows update and other programs which claims to behelpful to me or at least alleviate my boredom.
all that is left is office 2007.
is find something out sooner or later.
a friend gave me copies of the anime series/;
xxxholic which im done already
romeo x juliet which i heard was cheesy
avatar which will be on theaters soon so i need to know that story before i seethe film adaptation.
seto no hanayome that funny anime about a mermaid and a human... :D
and soul eater which i missed most parts and just saw the final battle of makaand the kishin.
io got buffed up good.
i came home with my techie friend to have dinner.
according to someone: you are only minutes til midnight snack.
ate dinner and then took a small nap to recharge as much as i can to last 4hours or so.
i was meeting a friend after all.
i was at the verge of not showing up to talk to my friend from work but i had aprecognition that our other coworker friend will not show, might as well showup. ;D
which i did.
the catnip took longer than i thought it would be.
met up with her.
and we talked.
in mcdonalds.
weve been trying to find out how we became friends.
which i think id rather important.
dont you just think so? :D
this would then lead me to the main topic of this note.
who are your friends?
who needs to be your friend?
what type of friends should one have?
i have this theory, that we all have to meet different types of friends to getus by.
*who needs a lift? ahhh, you really have to get a friend who has a car or whocan drive (preferably with a driver's license). random road trips a must.strong gas pedal and of course the breaks should be working, if you have thatfriend you wont need to worry about it. he'd do that for you.
i still need to find me my own driver friend, the least that i can do is changetires and that is all that i can offer really :D
*sweet tooth? a thoughtful friend who can bake is also an add-on to a group offriends. :D but not really necessary.
*techie boy. from operating systems, gadgets, viruses and computer glitches youneed a techie person to do this for you at least you can just call them insteadof using yer warranty. and you need not pay them, a booze night would be justfine or a nice heavy dinner.
*smart-ass friend. fiend means monster and only he can answer that. :D
*chef. ahhh everything is done well if with a little eating... from simplemundane food recipes to flamboyant displays of culinary strategy. :D
*i have this friend who invites me to try new things. like new food, newclothing and new drinks. the adventurous type. risking everything to satisfythe her curious hungry soul.
*anime-lover, ahhh anime fix can be dealt with a friend.
me: will eugene ever ran out of 100%?
will sarah ever end her misery?
ahahha. lol. just random questions i remember from my last human conversation
*cyber friends. with the technology we now have in this time of age, we meetpeople in random thru the web. the web is a giant web that binds and connectsus all. be it one of yer friends in ym, gmail, ichat, skype even camfrog - wealways have time to be connected in one way or another. i have a few cyberfreinds those that are far and away and those that i can talk to about anythingthru the web.
*mr.fix it. plumbing problems, broken toys or even something wrong with yerbike fix it will as you know fix it for you.
*bookworm friend. who can recall certain lines from the books she had read.
*dj. updated with all the latest music finds even those that are not evenreleased yet.
*hacker friend. this one can be really helpful. from hacking ebooks to securitypasswords. :D
you can have chuwariwap friends. the types that just agree to whatever bullshityou say...:D
*sweet tooth friend - she who never gets tooth decay. :D
*the jester. the type that can really crack you up at almost anything. :D
*the flirt. we have one of those friends who really know how to make you feelgood about yerself :D
mr.suave in a way.... :D
*serious talker. the one whom you can talk to about life-changing decisions.
*the chameleon. the one who can adapt instantly with the environment he issituated in.
*the anything goes. you can eat at pungko2 today and eat at tgif tomorrow kindof friend. no fuzz. no hassles. no worries type.
imma go and check which friends i have,
and speak of the devil..
i think i need to delete some "friends" from my list.
and i forgot a type of friend that we all have at some point of our lives:
the one we wanted to be
the one we wanted to be with but is with another
the one we wanted to become
the one we were used to
and lastly
the one we can never ever have.
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