Matt ♥

Meet Matt!
This is my latest baby. My Minolta Unionmat II. Which was launched around 1960s. This is my first rangefinder camera ever! I had a SLR once, aptly named Vin. (Shortened from Vintage.) This new guy is the latest addition to my growing collection of vintage cameras!
When I saw this in Facebook, I decided to have this reserved. Finally bought the item when photoblogger Carla Uy and I met at Army Navy Burger + Burrito. Bought it at a very decent price with it's leather case and flash too! ♥
In case you all want to go out with us for a photowalk. Please join! 
This is open to everyone! Bring your rusty yet trusty camera (DSLR, SLR, lomo, toy, even celphones count!) Event is on August 11, 2012 at 6AM. Meet-up at Magellan's Cross which is in front of Cebu City Hall Building. 

See you there! ♥